Customer projects - Discover the diverse possibilities with our products!
In this compilation of prestigious customer projects we would like to give a preview of what is possible with our products. All images are related to TIFOO products and have been carried out by professional users as well as hobbyists. For a better overview, the pictures are sorted by our product categories.
You want to be part of this gallery? Feel free to send us high-quality photos of your projects and explain in one or two sentences how you went about it. Of course, depending on the quality and quantity, we will reward you with a voucher for your next order in our shop!
Until then, let yourself be inspired by the breathtaking projects of our customers and look forward to exciting new images of surface treatment and metal finishing projects that will be published regularly on our site.
Our annual Christmas competition offers a very special incentive - follow us on the social media channels and don't miss any more news!